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It has been tough for a lot of businesses to survive downtown with government workers at home. And Sparks Street has been hit hard because nobody lives there.

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We woke up to a bright blue sky and could see the hill between the branches of the trees in front of our living room window. The weather forecast had been fairly accurate all week and was ending our stay with a bitter cold. Ironically back home in Ottawa it was warmer, but a cold warning had been issued. Read the rest of this entry »

Light snow began falling overnight and visibility was poor so we set off for a half day of skiing at Mont Sainte Anne leaving lunch at the apartment.

The parking lot was just starting to fill up. As I was putting on my ski boots, cursing with how awkward and sometimes painful it is, an SUV pulled up beside us. NosyNeighbour gave me a heads up as it was pulling in. I thought we would have a problem with the driver putting on his ski boots at the same time. But nope … he walked out of his vehicle already wearing his ski boots. Not snowboard boots. Now that was a first! Read the rest of this entry »

From Saint-Ferrol-les-neiges, there are two ways to get to Le Massif. You can continue northeast on the 360 or backtrack to highway 138. We opted for the back roads on the way there. Can you say potholes?!! and returned on the main road. I used the car’s GPS to find the ski resort, but soon discovered that it was taking us to the bottom of the hill, where most of the accommodation is, not the top of the hill, where you start your ski day. Read the rest of this entry »

We woke up on Tuesday morning expecting a sunny day, not too cold. But overnight the forecast had changed. For the first time on a ski trip, I saw a red smog alert on Environment Canada’s web site. Read the rest of this entry »


Driving a cat five and a half hours may seem a bit odd. But we love our little guy and wanted him to experience a real wood fire and see him every day after skiing. Finding accommodation for a cat can be a challenge. NosyNeighbour started the process early, using VRBO to find accommodation that indicated pet friendly, then negotiated bringing a cat. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s been over a year since my last post, and I’ve been wondering what to do with this blog.

Facebook is an easy way to keep friends and family updated when we travel and the blog is a bit more public. So when people I didn’t know started to follow the blog, I decided that advertising we weren’t home was not a great idea, especially after someone tried to break in the first night we were gone. I can’t blame that one on the blog though because I hadn’t even posted. At least they were incompetent and didn’t get in. And our neighbour who was looking after the house decided not to ruin our vacation and only told us on our last day.

My life has also changed. We have sold our house and moved out of the neighbourhood so providing neighbourhood updates is somewhat problematic. We are temporarily living in a condo while our new townhouse is being built. But the longer we are here, the more it’s starting to feel like home.

I have been looking for a topic that will get me writing at least once a week. In the spring it may be  the new adventures with the folding Brompton bikes. Or maybe my quest for the best icecream in the west end.

So I am still here, it’s just I’ve been living life instead of blogging about it.

Stuttgart is undergoing some serious construction. If we think it’s bad building one tunnel for light rail, imagine building six tunnels and demolishing half the train station and moving 18 platforms back. The car rental company wasn’t kidding when it said access to the train station was problematic!

We stayed at the Intercity Hotel, which is attached to the train station. Included in the price was free transit for the days we stayed there. Read the rest of this entry »

We were supposed to wing it for two nights, but when we returned to Bregenz we pre-booked our hotel in Tübingen for two nights.

On our way there, we stopped in Affenburg, a monkey sanctuary with over 200 monkeys. The grounds also include a large pond for fish and an area for birds and deer. Read the rest of this entry »

Our last day of cycling was nice and flat, with a view of the mountains to inspire me to pedal. I have to admit that the previous day’s climbs had tightened my muscles and because we hadn’t cycled fast or far I wasn’t as diligent in my post-cycling stretches. It was beginning to catch up on me.

The paths took us through many vineyards and orchards. Each time we turned towards the lake and I could see the Alps, I had to stop and take it all in.

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May 2024

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